Bagel Gazing

I have deep thoughts, but I’m also a goofy nitwit on the regular. For instance, when a friend said ‘navel gazing’ and I instead heard ‘bagel gazing’. So I created the ‘Utter Nonsense’ category. Here is your September installment of Utter Nonsense.

Oh my GAWD! Don't SAY that.

I have recently caught myself more than once saying or thinking, “Oh my Gawd! Don't SAY that!" And it bothers me because I'm a big freedom of speech gal. But, here lately ‘freedom of speech' seems to be more like ‘freedom to be an asshole & purposely hurt other people' & I'm not down with that.

Cats have a secret language

We got Pudds into the cat carrier with no problem, but that was the end of ‘easy'. Puddles somehow communicated Run for your lives! to the kittens, and they did. Little traitor. Am I saying that cats talk to each other? YES.